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puieti forestieriPuieti forestieri

Producem puieţi apţi de repicat în 10 solarii şi alte 8 sole pe teren deschis.



seminte forestiereSeminte forestiere

Totodată avem disponibilitatea de a vă oferi seminţe forestiere.




Executam lucrari de impadurire in orice judet al tarii.

About us

S.C. IKAPLANT S.R.L. was founded in the summer of 2007 after a few years of experience in different countries like Hungary, Austria, Germany, Denmark. The basic profile of the firm is sylviculture. Basically we are producing seedlings for forestry needs. We’ve got 4 hectares of culture and 6 greenhouses. We produce mostly conifers like: spruce, larch, pine, red fir, white spruce, but we also produce deciduous kinds like: maple, oak, beech, cherry.

For any information please contact us by e-mail or phone which are available at Contact.